
Sali clothes or Sali shirt of Papua

Papuan Girls wearing Sali Shirt In Central Mountains of Papua province , to recognize a girl who is single or married, it can be identified by the clothes she wears. Sali's clothes are clothes that only girls can wear. This Sali shirt can be used to carry out daily activities. Married women are not allowed to wear this traditional dress. You would not have guessed that these clothes were made from selected tree bark or dried sago leaves. One of the criteria is that the bark of the tree must be brown so that the resulting clothes look perfect, attractive, and pleasing to the eye. Because at first glance, these traditional clothes look like stitched cloth when worn by Papuan girls. Sali clothes are worn only for Papuan girls. This Sali shirt is made from tree bark with a very complicated process so that it produces a solid brown color. Sali is used by wrapping it around the body and arranged so that the inside is longer than the outside. Papuan Girls wearing Sali shirt in a Cultural ...

Baju Kurung Papua

Baju Kurung Papua Baju Kurung is a Papuan traditional dress worn by women as a top wear. The material of the brackets is velvet cloth. Baju Kurung is influenced by cultures outside Papua and is widely worn by women in Manokwari. You will find many Papuan women in West Papua who wear these clothes for traditional events. The woman who wore the brackets shirt combined her appearance with a tassel skirt. Not infrequently women use additional accessories when wearing this bracket. Feather tassel embellishments around the waist, arms, and neck edges. The combination of brackets, tassel skirts, and fur tassel decorations is usually added with some other equipment to make it look more harmonious. There are bracelets and necklaces made of hard grain and head coverings made of bird feathers.

Tassel Skirt or Rumbai Skirt

  Papuan women wear traditional clothes and wave the red and white flag as they welcome President Joko Widodo and his entourage in Jayapura, Papua, 9 May 2015. ((AFP Photo / Romeo Gacad)) Forms of tassels are used as skirts by women on the coast and inland central mountains. Tassel wah (skirt) is made of wood fiber or grass in remote areas is still used. The ethnic groups that use tassels are Sentani, Tobati, Enjros, Nafri, Biak Numfor, or Yapen, Papua and West Papua Province A tassel skirt made of knitted sago leaves as a subordinate and a head covering made of palm fiber hair, cassava feathers, and woven sago leaves. The sago leaves used to make tassel skirts are taken from the forest. Then cut, after cutting the sago leaves are dried in the sun to dry or the sago leaves turn white, which means that the sago leaves are dry. This dried sago leaf will be used as the main ingredient in making a tassel skirt. Dried sago leaves will be woven in such a way to form Ramn. How to w...

3 ways to wear koteka

  Although the koteka is still a favorite souvenir for tourists visiting Papua, in the Baliem valley there are still many other choices such as bead necklaces, water containers from pumpkins to original stone axes. (photo: Arbain Rambey, Kompas) Papua province in Indonesia is known as a very rich island. Not only their natural resources, but also their culture and customs. Because of their well-known culture and customs, many foreign tourists come to the easternmost island of Indonesia. Talking about customs, what really attracts the world's attention is the traditional clothes of the Papua Province. What's that? Yes, that is Koteka Koteka or Holim the traditional clothes for men in Papua and West Papua Provinces. Koteka is a special clothing worn to cover the lower body of men in several tribes in Papua. The word Koteka comes from a tribe in Paniai which means clothes. Quoted from the book Ethnography of Papua Development (2019) by Mulyadi, the Dani are the main tribe that i...


Koteka (sumber foto: Rumah Blog Papua ) Koteka dikenal juga dengan nama horim atau bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai penis gourd. Terlalu banyak referensi yang salah tentang Koteka yang dapat anda temukan di internet. Kesalahan umum adalah mendefinisikan koteka sebagai pakaian tradisional sejumlah suku di Papua. Definisi yang benar tentang koteka adalah penutup kemaluan laki-laki berbentuk lonjong panjang, terbuat dari buah labu yang dikeringkan, dipakai oleh beberapa suku di Papua .   Bentuk koteka yang unik dan sederhana serta oleh sebagian kalangan dianggap kontroversial, sesungguhnya adalah sebuah kesederhanaan berpikir manusia khususnya suku di Papua untuk melindungi kemaluan laki-laki dari berbagai bahaya ketika sedang beraktifitas. Karena aktifitas laki-laki Papua termasuk berburu di hutan dan berkerja di tempat terbuka, maka kemaluan yang tidak terlindungi secara kuat dapat membahayakan keselamatan.  Mengapa kemaluan laki-laki sejumlah suku di Papua memerlukan perlindung...

West Papua's Marine and Fisheries

Did you had at least some idea that West Papua is of one of the richest regions in Indonesia for marine and fisheries? West Papua's marine potential has a huge assortment of fish assets, both in the ocean and inland waters. The fundamental items are tuna, grouper, snapper, barramundi, milkfish, kelp, and lobster. Notwithstanding its rich sea-going assets, West Papua likewise has an essential area that can uphold the development of the oceanic economy in Indonesia. Today, we will investigate all that you ought to be aware of the marine and fisheries possibilities in West Papua. The Commodities and Fisheries in West Papua's Marine Potential As we referenced previously, the primary wares of fisheries potential in West Papua are fish, grouper, snapper, barramundi, milkfish, kelp, and lobster. These items have extraordinary financial worth and can contribute fundamentally to the abundance of individuals in West Papua. Exhaustively, underneath are the principal items of fisheries po...